Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I'll Overcome Someday

I'll Overcome Someday

When my mother was alive she’d always say, “God gives you nothing you can’t handle because he believes you can overcome”.  I swear when she’d give me this speech in the distance I’d hear the Gospel Hymn “I’ll Overcome Someday.”
The first verse drives into your soul as an anthem to live by.

This world is one great battlefield,
with forces all arrayed;
if in my heart I do not yield,
I'll overcome someday

A matter of fact lyrics were changed to become “We Shall Overcome” the song that lead the Freedom Movement and became part of a famous speech given by the late Martin Luther King Jr.
So when tough challenges in my life has raised its ugly head I’d say, bring it on because if God had this much faith in me to deal with adversity then I have faith in him to help me.
            When I was told in January 2011 that my cancer came back and it is now incurable it was as though I was being gutted alive.  I didn’t think I could survive such news (no pun intended) but I am still here.
            The thought of cursing God and hating all that was around me because life was not being fare filled my heart but only for a short millisecond.  Soon it was a battle to stay with the living and a great time for my feisty stubborn behavior to come to the forefront.
            I knew that this was not my time to let go and give up.  I had new lessons to learn and I was ready with a front row seat in the classroom of life.  Was I scared, you bet.  Was the unknown a cloud of darkness? Yes.
            I have realized that life is and will not be easy and that is exactly how it’s supposed to be.  When everything comes to you easily you never learn and you never appreciate the good.  Some people might have harder times than others.  It is all relative.
            This is how I’ve looked at every aspect of my life, what am I supposed to get out of this experience.  I asked that when I found out I would never have children and what I learned is giving birth does not make you a mother.  That all my “motherly” love could go toward nephews and nieces, the kids I taught and my step children.  That being childless does not make me less of a woman and it actually gave me a strength I didn’t think I had.  My challenges in life are set aside for me and what I need to learn.  It's not a punishment.
            So I sit here now receiving my chemotherapy for my 3rd bout with a fatal disease and I am at peace.  I say peace because I am not fighting with the why me, I say why not me.  This is my life lesson and what I have learned from my cancer is that people waste so much time on insignificant things.  So what if the dishes aren’t done today and the kids decide to make mud art in the living room. Maybe the snake in the office got the promotion you worked so hard for or maybe your spouse forgot your birthday, or you are facing much worse scenarios. These things are tough to deal with but remember you are still here in the world classroom.  Take a breath, put your face to the sun and see the forest for the trees.  It can be very beautiful.  Slow down smell those roses, hug a friend in need.  I’ve said it before but cancer has given me a great gift that I never thought I needed and that is appreciate the small things God gives us and have the strength to stay in life’s classroom until you are called home.
            So when the next big trial comes to you, ask yourself, “What am I supposed to learn?”  I promise that God knows and believes in you and like the last line in the song …

My Jesus says I need not fear, He'll make it plain someday.

I have faith that he will make it plain someday even though I can't make any since of it.  Until the last bell rings and I’m called home I’m still alive and learning

Go out there…have faith and overcome.
*Note I wrote this last Thursday and forgot to post, chemo brain is real. Ha!