Tuesday, July 31, 2012


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            Who would have guessed that Queen Elizabeth II wanted or dreamed of being a Bond Girl at 86 years of age?  I have to admit I was never a James Bond fan until Daniel Craig came aboard.  Paint me gold and tickle me British.  I’ll take a sweet lump of Craig in my tea any day, but he wasn’t the one who stole the show at the opening ceremonies at the Olympics.  Sure he looked mighty fine in his tailored suit and blue eyes but it’s my girl the Queen who showed us that you can never be to Royal to laugh at yourself and have a little fun.  For anyone who missed the opening act of the Olympics check out the BBC and watch our girl fly!
            Brilliant show I say what a year you Brits have had, Royal wedding, Diamond Jubilee and now the 2012 Olympics.  Wish I could be on the other side of the pond enjoying the fun but I’m like most mortals that have to watch on the telly, but that doesn’t mean I have never dreamed of being an Olympian, let’s face it we all have.  When I was a kid and ran that 50 yard dash in sixth grade I fantasized winning the gold medal even if the handmade accolade to first place was yellow construction paper and not real gold.
            This is a time for the world family to get together and the only difference between us is that we cheer under different flags.  These Olympians can give us hope that sometimes we don’t have to be at war with one another but simply compete for the mere reason that as an athlete you need to swim, jump or run.  You compete against your own personal best and none other.
            Since most of us are not Olympic Athletic God’s and we go on with our lives filled with jobs and nasty bosses, children and dirty diapers, bills and not enough money we can watch in the days to come and imagine we are there.  Toss that memo into the garbage and score two points for the team, leap over the children’s toys and listen to the roaring crowd, run to the mail box before the bill deadline and break the world record.
            I’d like to thank the Queen for showing us how to laugh and the athletes for letting us watch their dreams come true.  Everyone raise your glasses, salute your flags and feel your countries pride because no matter what colors you live under we are all champions.  Don’t forget your dreams and remember we can start at any age. On your mark-get set-GO OUT THERE!

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