Naked Truth about a Prince, a Vampire and the Astronaut
So here we are in the middle of
social media and what do most of us do with it.
Well if I am seeing things right we’re acting like complete fools. If someone has a breakdown on a plane we get
our cell phones out and aim it at the person who already has it tough, but who
cares we can sell it to the news like FOX or CNN, we can be rich by selling our
souls. Where are the Walter Cronkite’s of today?
The naked truth about Prince Harry
and his photo’s is he wasn’t acting very royal except maybe a royal pain to his
family. In my youth if someone did something stupid that involved the birthday
suit we didn’t have cell phones for the quick pic of the moment and we didn’t have
paparazzi following our every move. I
love Harry but honey zip it up and think twice before you have too many drinks and pick better friends.
For the person distributing them I feel sorry for you that you feel you need to
profit and destroy someone else’s reputation while you were butt naked taking
pictures. He wasn't being smart but remember you
treat others as you want to be treated so don’t feel bad if someone plasters
your family jewels for your children and future generations to see. What a proud moment on the family tree.
I want to know who was in the bushes
stalking Kristen Stewart and that much married Snow White film director? Was it a stupid act on their part? Yes, but
she is single and he’s married with children and twenty years older than her so
why are people calling her a trampire for entertainment. I’m not going to be up
on my soap box on this but all I have to say is whoever took that picture obviously
needed the money because if they really wanted to help they could have exposed
this affair in private and not put the families through all this media frenzy. I’d hate to see what is hiding in your
Last but not least my hero died just
a few days ago Neil Armstrong. When I
was turning five and living in Conroe, Texas my mother called me in from
play and made me watch the landing on the moon.
I was mesmerized watching the old black and white. Times were much simpler then and I didn’t
have a cell phone to text anyone but I had a family that sat down with me and we
shared a historical moment together.
Upon his death the internet and
twitter were a buzz but to my dismay when I turned on my computer and saw Lance
Armstrong’s picture under the title First
Man on Moon, Neil Armstrong dead at 82 I just lost it. Are we so in a hurry to be the first to have
the story of someone’s failure or torrid pictures of a disaster that we don’t
check the facts or care what it might do to someone? Remember what you put on blogs,
facebook, twitter whatever the media, its forever out there. Calm down your anger when it comes to
comments on social media all that swearing shows you don’t have the intelligence
to come up with something wittier. You’re
You may think we can’t see you
behind the lens or the key board but what you put out there shows everyone who
you truly are. If you can’t say it face
to face or you don’t want embarrassing pictures of yourself than think twice
before you push the publish button because most of us are not interested in
your personal hygiene moments and other classless stuff that are best to be deleted.
In 1969 Neil Armstrong was the first
person on the moon and before he left a historical foot print in the dust he
said, "That's
one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." So here’s a thought, let’s
leap forward and go out there…turn off the twitter and talk to someone face to
face use the cell phone for taking pictures of beauty because you might miss
something historical in your own life.