Tuesday, January 1, 2013

HAPPY 2013?

HAPPY 2013?

Well we have made it past the Mayan Calendar and now we are hanging on to a fiscal cliff.  It might look pretty from this point of view but all I have to say is how the heck are we going to get down.  Sometimes I think we don’t look past our noses and see the real picture but I am going to leave politics behind because as 2012 ends and 2013 begins I realize that what is most important are those around me and what goes on within my own home.
No matter what government throws at us it is those we surround ourselves with and our own character that gets us through hard times.  I hope surrounding yourself with good things and friends is a goal for you as it has been for me.  My mother always told me, “Surround yourself with people who are smarter and better then you, because one you learn from them and two it makes you look good.”
Mama was right and I have had the privaledge to surround myself with wonderful people and no government will take that away from me.  So in the words of Bette Davis in one of her great film roles she said, “Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night.”  I think 2013 is going to be real bumpy year, but hey we’re all here and in it together.
I do hope our government realizes they work for us and we don’t work for them and do us right but if not I’m still going to hit that bucket list and check off my New Years resolution list which consist of learning to ride a horse english style and play a violin. 
So go out there…and check off the your resolutions and remember whats truly important and pray we aren't sheep going to the government slaughter and we all grow wings as we jump off this fiscal cliff.
           Happy 2013 and good luck! 


1 comment:

  1. And a Happy New Year to you too Jackie. Notice I've omitted the question mark. Despite the total nuttiness in our nation's capital these day, nobody's pushing me off any cliff. Looks like that 3rd sheep in line is looking for another way down too. Hope he makes it and hooks up with me. We'll soothe one another's bruises. As for your 2013 goals of conquering the english saddle and learning to play the violin, good for you. One is much easier than the other. I'll be interested to learn if you find that to be true. I hope not. Both involve rhythm and I've no doubt at all that..."You've got rhythm...who could ask for anything more". Well, perhaps a lot more, but what fun you'll have along the way with these two great endeavors
